Tortilla Recipes (Pizza Bites and Triangles with Vegetables and Cheese)

Hello, dear ones! I'm glad to see you again this week at "Wednesday's Recipe!"   This time in the main role we have "Tortilla", I propose two extremely easy recipes with tortilla perfect for movie night! We will make together: Pizza Bites, they are ready in 15 minutes (it's the perfect option when you don't want to wait an hour for your pizza order) and Triangles with Vegetables and Cheese (for vegetarians like me).   Here is the filmed recipe, and below I write all the details.       For Pizza Bites we will need: 3 Tortillas 12 slices of cheese 12 cheese sticks grated cheese tomato sauce   Cut each Tortilla into 4. Then grease each triangle with tomato sauce, put a cheese stick, a slice of salami and wrap like a baby. We do this with all 12 pieces. We put them in a round tray to get the shape of Pizza. Put them in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 200 degrees, until the cheese melts. Yummy. Then you can serve them! Yes, it's that easy!   For Vegetable and Cheese Triangles we will need: 3 tortillas 250 grams of mushrooms (fresh / canned ) a carrot a red pepper an onion   Season with: 2 tablespoons oil a tablespoon of paprika a teaspoon of cumin a teaspoon of granulated garlic salt pepper a tablespoon of lemon juice   We prepare the sauce for the marinade. Mix all the ingredients mentioned above. Cut the vegetables, mix them with the marinade sauce. Put them in the oven for 15 minutes to cook. We take a Tortilla, we...


Tortilla Omlette (Quick and easy breakfast)

Hello my dear ones,   I know school has started and we don't have as much time to cook in the morning, but we know that Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Thus, I propose you a super delicious and consistent Breakfast idea: Omelet with Tortilla. I guarantee everyone will love it! Here is the filmed recipe, and below I give you all the details.     For a portion we will use:   One tortilla Three eggs cheese Mushrooms (I used Champignon) Tomato sauce A pinch of salt A pinch of pepper The basis of this breakfast are eggs and tortillas, then with the toppings you can play to taste. Heat the oil in the pan, beat the eggs like an omelet, add a pinch of salt and a pinch of pepper. Put the beaten eggs in the pan and let them cook for a minute. Meanwhile, grease a tortilla with tomato sauce and then put on top. We press it to stick to the eggs. After 2 minutes we turn it on the other side and put the toppings, I put cheese and Champignon mushrooms, but you can play with whatever you want (ham, cherry tomatoes or whatever you like and the tomato sauce on the Tortilla can be replaced with pesto). After another two minutes, take the Tortilla from the pan, roll it while it is hot, cut it in half and enjoy it with tomato sauce.   So simple and delicious! Good appetite! With love, Cezara If you liked the recipe, I invite you to subscribe to my Youtube channel. See...